How to increase phpMyAdmin upload file size limit in ISPConfig 3?

phpMyAdmin showing an upload limit of 2MB


This is a crappy problem, especially when importing & exporting large databases.

To increase the upload file size limit for phpMyAdmin, we’ll need to modify the php settings (php.ini) that it uses on your ISPConfig installation.

  1. Open up your terminal and SSH into your server.
  2. Now run nano to edit your php settings.
    sudo nano /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini
  3. Using Ctrl+W , search for:
  4. And set it to:
    upload_max_filesize = 64M
    Where 64M means, an upload limit of 64MB.

    nano showing search for upload_max_filesize

  5. Next, search for:
  6. And set it to:
    post_max_size = 64M
  7. Save your changes by hitting Ctrl+O and then Y.
  8. Finally, restart apache.
    service apache2 restart
Bad Joe: