How to turn on your hacked Nintendo Switch after not using it for too long?

Last updated: 20210407

Step 1:

First charge up your Nintendo Switch and Pro Controller, and also the RCMLoader device.


Step 2:

Slot the JIG on the right controller slot.

Hold on to the PLUS button on RCMLoader, to switch to BLUE to load ATMOSPHERE PAYLOAD.

Insert the RCMLoader into Nintendo Switch usb port below.


Step 3:

Hold on to VOLUME UP (+) button and hit the ON button to power on the device.


Step 4:

In Hekake, select EMUNAND.


Emunand with CFW:


Being able to use clean sysnand for online play.

Less likely to be bricked.


Takes up more space, since you need to duplicate the nand.

Sysnand with CFW:

Literally the opposite of above. That’s it.”


That’s it! Your hacked Nintendo Switch should load.



See also: How to run Edizon on a hacked Nintendo Switch?

Bad Joe: